Close to 400 people made it an appointment. They came from all the regions of Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick and United States (Vermont, Connecticut and Minnesota). The organizing committee, under the direction of Raymond Perron, gave itself body and soul to make those festivities unforgettable. And they succeeded.
Theme Cards
As we did last year for the foundation general assembly, we could study 12 cards on different subjects concerning the Perrons. The board "Quelques armoiries" (some coats of arms) was very popular bacause the participants were able to see different coats of arms on the Perron families from different parts of North West Europe. A large display contained many pictures from the Dugrenier dit Perron. Some participants were able to compare familiar faces and characteristics from this family.
For the first time, an informatic genealogical service was available to the people. Under the responsibility of Michel Perron, it was possible to go back to your ancestors. Thousands of genealogical facts were stocked in the machine, but still we have to add some more.
At 15 hours sharp, our excellent master of ceremony Régis Perron asked the people to join in the amphiteater. After a few thanks, the president made her entry. And what an entry! She immediatly put all the Perron together with the war cry (almost!) "PERRON UN JOUR, PERRON TOUJOURS... EN MARCHE" (Perron one day, Perron always... forwards). It is useless to sat that this shout was repeated so many times during the week-end!
Two conferences were on the program. The historian André Garant told us about the history of Beauce and all the peculiarities that make the "Beaucerons" very special people. Pierre Perron followed with the life and the genealogy of the family Dugrenier dit Perron.
When we stretched our legs and took our place for the banquet, we were able to take some refreshments! The white wine "Cuvée des Perron", especially prepared for the occasion, was launched.
After the banquet, a surprise was waiting for the Perrons. It was with emotion that we unveiled the Commemorative Plate for the occasion of the 250th wedding anniversary of Joseph Dugrenier dit Perron and Marie-Anne Jacques at Saint-Joseph (Beauce). This plate will be exposed in the Historical Museum opening next year in Saint-Joseph.
Social Night
After taking advantage of the very good food provided by the caterer, the pride was on all Perron's faces, pleasantly surprised by the arrival of the ancestors Joseph and Marie-Anne... after 222 years of absence! They were personified by Armand Perron and Simonne Paradis.
We took advantage of their visit to Saint-Joseph to pay a special tribute to a few couples having from 50 to 60 years of marriage. There were also a brother and a nun, both Perron, who celebrated their 50th anniversary of religious life. Like young newly weds, all the couples marched one by one after being presented. Each couple received by the Association an honorary certificate, a lapel pin and very nice flowers.
The Mass
The next day, the Sunday Mass was celebrated in the very nice church of Saint-Joseph. Everybody who participated in this Mass was a Perron: the priest, the choir, the ones who read the texts, passed the communion and the collection. The priest, Évariste Perron, made a special homily for the occasion. Also he blessed the commemorative plate before the lunch.
The festivities were ended by the annual general meeting of the Association.